Salute the [Surgeon] General.
But pay no mind to his warnings.
But pay no mind to his warnings.
"I don't even have words. My favorite part is that you got your ass drunk on your date. So classy."
" This is my last week of school. At the end of this week, I plan to obliterate myself by way of alcohol and general delinquency. And, I will refuse to emerge from this intoxicated condition until unicorns and multi-colored pastel ponies offer me a piggy back ride across the star sprinkled sky, right to the moon for potato skins and mango figs marinated in chocolate sauce. Saucy! "
"Infidelity, that infallible rejuvenator, calms the fear of growing old. In spite of our decreasing charms we sweep young people off their feet, for young people do not understand themselves, and fortunately for us, can still be hypnotised by those who do."True. I was young once. It aged me terribly.