Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Just friends?"

Being as flamboyantly flirtatious as I am, I tend to attract and maintain many male friends. The minute I start seriously dating someone, however, I preform a holocaust on my male contacts (no offense, boys). Is this normal... or, can heterosexual men and women truly be "just friends?"

"In a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Sapadin asked more than 150 professional men and women what they liked and disliked about their cross-sex friendships. Topping women's list of dislikes: sexual tension. Men, on the other hand, more frequently replied that sexual attraction was a prime reason for initiating a friendship, and that it could even deepen a friendship. Either way, 62 percent of all subjects reported that sexual tension was present in their cross-sex friendships." - Psychology Today

After reading the full article (found here), I've come to terms with what I already knew: I am simply much to flirty to engage a male-female friendship void of sexual tension. There you have it, I've answered my own question. At least it makes life fun in between relationships.



  1. Wasn't that the whole premise and plot lines of the show "Friends?" and many others?

  2. Yes! In fact the article mentions a couple from that exact show - Chandler and Monica - as an example of media playing a huge role in our perception of male-female relationships.

    The article suggests that due to these types of cultural images placed within our society by media, "It's no wonder we expect that men and women are always on the road to romance."

    I don't watch television... but, I must admit, I've somehow picked up on the expectation - whoopsy ;)
