And, by nothing I tend to mean everything. That said,
It's not my place to criticize one for their hypocrisy.
As clearly I take pride in my own. Regularly.
How can the concept of "you" exist without the concept of "I?" And, if individuality were an ideal... Why then, would one submit to the desires of another? Walk their 'own' path dictated by steps that came before? And, with the ultimate ambition of reaching a destination that allows opportunity for verbalizing total submission? Don't ask me questions for which I can provide no answer. We don't understand. And by we, I clearly mean I. And by I, I clearly mean EGO. And by EGO, we clearly haven't a clue what we mean. This cute little book is more a sweet love story than it is a profound advocate of individuality. At least we think. And though I've never been a sucker for a love story, I'd recommend this read - if for no other reason than its brief format. And unique, though not breathtaking, style.